Meet Fabulous Lynne



 I’m so pleased to introduce you to Fabulous Lynne!


New ways of thinking

Lynne was the first person to say YES to joining the very first Fabulous Forever programme. She will always have a special place in my heart. Lynne is one of the many amazing course members who has embraced new learnings, new ways of new thinking and new habits in her life. She inspires me every time we get together.


Her motivation for joining the programme - her big WHAT & WHY, centred around weight loss, to discover ‘what’s next’ for her in her life, to age well and to eat more healthily. At the end of her 2nd round we reviewed where she was at with each of the 10 core habits of thrive. I’m thrilled to share her story and the results she’s achieved so far… She really is Fabulous!

Eat an Earlier, Lighter Dinner

Lynne has transitioned from eating 3 meals a day with her largest / main meal in the evening to 2 meals a day - a main meal at lunchtime and an earlier lighter dinner.
She now prepares her food in the morning and cooks from scratch every day. She has stopped snacking between meals - a big change for her - and sips warm water throughout the day.
She consciously closes her kitchen at 7pm and if she is ever tempted to have a snack in the evening, she confirms to herself that the kitchen is closed and visualises food ‘stacking’ in her system. She’s experimented with intermittent fasting using a “Kaizen’ approach (small, easy incremental improvements and now no longer eats breakfast. Her husband has joined her in this journey.

Go to Bed Early

Lynne typically went to bed at 10pm before she joined the programme. Now she prepares for bed at 9pm - this is her trigger for the TV to be turned off. If there’s anything she wants to watch that’s after her wind-down time she watches it on playback at a time that suits her. She used to check her emails and social media when she went to bed at 10pm - she now does this at 9pm and gives turns her screens off for the night.
She completes her skincare routine at 9.30pm, is in bed shortly after and listens to either a story or her favourite radio show (The Archers) before lights out by 10pm.
She described her biggest shift with this habit as being her mindset. She now appreciates going to bed early as an act of self-care, feels more informed about what her body is designed to do at night -  and knowing that all the rest and repair work is taking place whilst she’s asleep makes her feel really good!

Start Your Day Right

Lynne now wakes up without an alarm clock at 5.45pm and starts her day by setting her intentions for the day. She hydrates, poops, makes a hot lemon and water for her and a hot drink for her husband and they ‘put the world to rights’ before she continues with her day.

Bestir, Breath Body

Lynne has experimented with a range of different breath body movement practices. Typically, she walks in the morning and has recently created an outdoor gym in her garden with weights, hula hoop, rebounder. She consistently does some form of breath body practice every day where previously this wasn’t part of her morning routine.

Fuel Yourself with a Plant-Based Diet

Lynne has always eaten a wide range of plant foods. In terms of her new habits, she is now more focused on buying organic and eating seasonally - she orders an organic/ seasonal veggie box every week. She continues to eat some meat and fish, and now only buys ethically sourced animal protein and grass-fed meat from a local farm shop.

Self-Massage Your Body

Lynne started a self-massage habit which she now does every day. Initially she did this in the shower and gradually progressed to doing it after her shower. This habit has changed how she feels about her body. She now likes her body. How fabulous is that?

Sit in Silence

Lynne used to have a ‘hit and miss’ meditation practice and is now sitting in silence every day - even if it’s just for 5 minutes. She also, and in her words, more importantly, spends time during her day to just stop and sit outside for 5 - 10 minutes to “watch, breath in and be grateful for nature.” How lovely…

healthy eating

Heed the Healthier Eating Guidelines

Lynne has made lots of changes in how she eats, in line with ‘Earlier Lighter Dinner’ and Intermittent Fasting. She now aims for a 7 - 8 hour eating window and a 16 / 17 hour fast overnight. She has her sweet treats as dessert with her meals and not as snacks. If she’s hungry between meals she eats fruit. Sometimes she has fruit for her evening meal. Lynne has embraced sipping hot water. If she thinks she’s hungry she asks herself ‘Are you really?’ and is much more conscious of what she is putting in her mouth and when. She has stopped ‘snacking’ as she prepares her meals.

Come to Your Senses

Lynne has experimented with a number of sense care practices… She now consistently scrapes her tongue in the morning and oils her nose and ears as part of her self-massage. She’s tried oil pulling and neti - which she found sometimes left her feeling like she had water in her ears & has concluded that this is not for her. She enjoys resting her eyes and is much more disciplined around her screen time and use of her phone.

Live in Ease

Lynne feels much more ‘at ease’ in her life and is making more conscious choices about how she responds to people and situations that could be potentially triggering. When this happens, she asks herself “does this matter?” and is more able to let things go. She describes herself as less argumentative. She told me “I have stopped fighting me”. I love that.

Lynne’s results so far



Weight Loss

Lynne wanted to lose weight:

So far she has lost 28 lbs stones. Woo Hoo!

Whilst she feels she has plateaued in her weight loss, and would like to lose a little more, she can tell that her physical body is changing and reducing in size. People are noticing, her husband tells her what he is seeing, and she can now wear clothes she either couldn’t get into before or felt uncomfortable in.

Lynne wanted to ‘discover what’s next for her in her life’

She now feels that the lifestyle she is leading is exactly the one she wants to have. She’s enjoying her new home, garden and new way of living. She is clear that she has left corporate work and her consulting business behind.


Lynne wanted to eat more healthily and she is clearly doing that. Lynne wanted to age well and is delighted with her progress...She aims for a B- (that’s how we roll around here) and is feeling good in her mind and body. This makes me so happy! Thank you Lynne for “Being All In”! And thank you for sharing your Fabulous Story!

I can’t wait to see where you are at the end of your “Fabulous Forever” year!


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